Sunday, 4 October 2009

It's not often that I can think of a status update these days, let alone three or four. But this morning I am spoilt for choice and so I'm going to mash these odds and ends together and pretend it constitutes enough substance for a Note. A bit like the White Album.

As you may have noticed, Notes have not been forthcoming lately. No? Well, one of you did, and moaned at me about it. To be honest there has been less incident and more normality. We have been settling, occupied by the everyday and (hooray!) not menaced by hurricanes. I may be wrong - the last six months might have been like a '24' marathon - but compared with the shock and awe of Ike and his ilk it has all felt very ordinary. And this is, I'm convinced, a Good Thing.

Of course we have been pole-axed by a Bad Thing this week. As you may have learnt from Laura, one of our kittens - part of our family for only a month - turns out to have an incurable and fatal condition which will run its course in the very near future. Poor little Mabli. In a week of enormous global catastrophes it is important to maintain some perspective, but this vignette of sadness is heart-breaking for us. The gulf between our expectations of a long and happy life for her and the brutal reality is crushing. She, at least, seems comfortable and, of course, is completely unaware. Such a beautiful little cat, even with gummy eyes and omoxycillin all around her chops; it has been a pleasure to look after her, even for this short time.

I've forgotten all the titbits I was going to mention now. It's raining today. The steady, not-to-be-fobbed-off sort of rain that falls and falls and falls until you forget it's there. In a day or two we will all be going about our business as usual, sans umbrellas, hanging out the laundry, none of us noticing that we are all soaking wet and that Downtown is gently eroding, sky scrapers washing away before our very eyes.