Thursday 10 March 2011

Carry on Blogging

Argh! This is me agonising over the fact that I don't blog. Confusingly, it's the same noise that I make when I agonise over the fact that I do blog.

Sometimes I get asked why I don't blog more. The truth is that I do blog more - I have developed a sad habit of writing but then just not hitting the 'publish' button. It's a confidence game, I guess. In an effort to be bold, I'm going to try and write more carelessly. If you see what I mean.

So in that spirit, some ancient drafts have been brought into the sunlight - rather like those Chilean miners. Remember them? Well now you can find out what I thought about that all those months ago - my blog on their rescue has spent more time underground then they did I think. Well worth the wait, I'm sure.

And, of course, I have ditched the tank. To be honest, I have always been a little embarrassed by it and this has increased once its audience extended beyond people I knew in 1991. I suppose this might have been an impediment to self-promotion (I have enough of those surely?) but in any case I have a nice shiny and friendly robot now (what am I going to do with the space to his right?) and you may be surprised at how much happier this makes me.

That's a whole other post I suspect and one I'm loathe to do, it being navel-gazing of the most self-absorbed kind. Perhaps, if I can pierce that navel, so to speak, with some self-deprecation I might explain my thinking some other time.

It's likely that I'll get distracted and write about something else. Next week is Spring Break and that means a Road Trip. There will be blogging and pictures of that for sure.

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